
Showing posts from June, 2013

God's Timing

Dear diary, Let me today share something about God's timing. Why should we wandering about this? Today I got a story of my sister and what I can say is that " God has the best timing ". Do you ever feel like God's so unfair that you can't have anything you want yet the next day you feel like God's very kind that your life seems very complete? It's because God send you help at the right time. So here comes the story. Last month, my sister was so happy that her two chapters of her thesis had no complaint from her lecturer advisor. Then when she was rushing to campus to look for her advisor for the next chapters. Her lecturer is so busy and she gotta be quick to reach campus. Guess what, on her way to campus, she had a car accident! But fortunately she's okay but the other car being hit by her was wrecked. What a pity! When she reached campus, her lecturer said she had to change the whole structure of her thesis! Her life seems very messed up right?...

Happy Birthday Hilda Leswara!

Hai bebeb. Cie, ulang tahun yah? Udah 21 tahun banget nih? Gila ya, time flies like an arrow . Seneng gak sih lo tambah tua? Harusnya tambahnya umur tuh jadi ajang buat merenung gak sih? Coba deh merenung, apa yang udah lo lakuin di dunia ini? Apa lo udah cukup berguna buat sekeliling lo? Apa lo udah cukup ngebanggain orang tua lo dan Eyangget Eyang Putri lo? Apa lo udah membanggakan tanah air Indonesia tercinta. Apa lo siap kalo besok........... Hahahahadeeuh malah jadi serem -_- Well in this particular post I made for you, gue mau coba buat me-rephrase highlight of our days *sailah* since the first time we met.. 1. The first introduction My first impression to Hilda: anaknya ramah, baik, nyantai. Ternyata dia super perfeksionis dan kalo solat lama. HAHA apa hubungannya. Hmm khusyuk banget ya, gak nyangka cyiin. Eh, anak Dian Didaktika dari SMP dan SMA sih, sekolah islam sih, wajar deh. HAHA. Oh ya dia gak nyantai sama sekali dalam hal perawatan dan pencaeman rambut. OHEMJI. Gu...

Sendu Minggu

Seberapapun kerasnya aku mencoba menjaga perasaan ini, aku tidak cukup tahan. Tidak tahan untuk mengingat senyummu, tidak tahan untuk menunggumu menyapaku lagi seperti dulu, tidak tahan untuk mengingat semua hal yang terjadi sebelum ini, tidak tahan untuk menyesal tidak menyatakannya padamu, tidak tahan untuk mengaku dan justru bertahan untuk menahan semua rasa yang pernah ada. Seberapapun kerasnya aku menipu diriku, aku tahu cuma aku yang paling tahu siapa aku, cuma aku yang tahu betapa tak sanggupnya aku untuk menjadi penjahat untuk diriku sendiri. Seberapapun kerasnya aku melupakan semua itu, diriku sendiri tahu momen itu lebih berharga dari apapun, momen itu justru yang sampai saat ini masih juga melekat dengan lem ingatanku, momen itu justru momen yang paling menggerogoti cadangan memori hingga habis tak bersisa, momen itu justru yang paling tertangkap dalam jejaring ingatanku saat ini, terus membayangi dan menghantui. Seberapapun kerasnya aku mencoba meyakinkan pada diriku ...

Living in Fairy Tale

Sunset in Aydin, Turkey, July 2012. Yesterday feels like a dream. I don't want to wake up, but I should. That table of desert, that opened up talk we never had, that fusion of scents, that protection, that care. OH, and everything vanished as my eyes opened. Time goes on, days passed by, everything will be different, I know. Still, thank you God. My dream came true. The real dream won't happen. Thanks for treating me like how a princess want to be treated. We have that high wall I don't want to climb, and (maybe) you don't want to climb too. Still, Thank you, you. Hope to meet you in another dream :) XX, NSA

Hanamasa dan Soekma Djaja

Today seems very special and worth a post. This morning I went to Hanamasa, Pondok Indah Mall 1 to attend Gathering BEM FHUI 2011. The special thing, I finally wore my ombre pink dress from my sister! I've been looking for suitable event to wear the dress, yet I don't find any! So I feel so happy to finally wear the dress. I am not that kind of person who wear dress to campus, yet I actually love to wear dress/skirt, etc. I feel sooo happy to finally meet brothers and sisters in BPH BEM FH UI 2011. Mostly they're older than me because I joined BEM on my first year of college.  I feel very lucky to know them and to work with them, a lot of experiences and knowledge I got from them. After that, I met my bestie, Hilda Leswara. We had that time of idolizing our senior. We made a fan base for him. We were so embarrassing actually. We gave him chocolate in Vals day. Oh well, he's in Hanmasa and made her didn't want to enter Hanamasa :P HAHA. Silly us. Well that...

Philosophical Distraction from Coelho (Book of the Month - May 2013)

I know I am not a good writer. I am not composing any good writing here. The core of the blog is just for blabbing and sharing my random thoughts and uhmm simply that it is my hobby. Yes, I love to write my thoughts in a diary (implied from what my blog header shows you now). I wrote diary since elementary school. I keep it neatly at home and I just can't help but laugh when I read it. I mean, I just want to write things that popped out of my mind, my feeling, my thought when I faced a certain condition, then in the future it can be reminisced. Not all thoughts can be remembered by our brain. Sometimes it's full with so many thoughts so the old thoughts will be diminished as the time goes by. But when you write, it will be forever be enacted in your paper of life. So it's pretty much like a selfish blog, I know . Though later on actually I also want to make a commercial blog that can be monetized and make money for me :p These days I feel a little bit religious and phi...

Pray for Turkey

Izmit, Kocaeli, Turkey. June, 2013. I fell in love with Turkey from the very first step of mine in Istanbul. The city fascinates me at that time and I just love all things about Turkey right away. So to hear the news today, about a widespread protests around 30 provinces (including Kocaeli!--the province where I was stayed for almost 2 months on a volunteering project) in Turkey, made me really really sad. My one million dollars question was "how this first emerged?" Apparently It was because of a demolition of a park in Istanbul that people against of. At first they just want to defend the nature. They want the government not continue the substitution of the park with the new shopping mall. At that demonstration, Police attacked the protesters with gas, and guns. An unbalance 'war'. So then people started to against the government too, they're all devastated by the Prime Minister's authority. Another thing, the TV channels were banned to publish about the...