
Showing posts from March, 2014

Blind Dog in a Meat Market

" I won't be in Penn 'till next Monday. We'll meet Tuesday. " " Excuse me sir, I have to interview one of an expert at that day.. " " Okay, let's figure it out next week. We can reschedule the session. " --- " Vina, let's meet tomorrow. 10AM. Sharp. " YES! Pada akhirnya, setelah berulang kali merancang pertemuan dengan orang itu, Vina akan bertemunya lagi setelah Chapter 3 thesis -nya terbengkalai tanpa revisi.  Pennsylvania Libary , jam 10. Malam itu Vina memutuskan untuk tidur cepat, supaya tidak kesiangan esoknya. Tidak boleh ia melewatkan waktu untuk bisa bertemu seseorang yang maha penting itu. Ia tahu orang itu begitu sibuk, begitu pintar, cerdas, kehebatannya menggaung kemana-mana. Ia keturunan Prancis - Indonesia, sehingga terkadang mereka membicarakan sejarah Indonesia. Terutama masa-masa kelam ketika pertumpahan darah dimana-mana terjadi dan kaum Tionghoa diburu-buru pada masa pemberantasan komunis. Vina j...

Jatah Umur Berkurang

Tanggal 6 Maret 1993, pemilik blog ini lahir ke dunia. Iya, ini post tentang ulang tahun ke 21 saya. Dari tahun 2010, sampai tahun 2013, hari ulang tahun saya semakin lama semakin sepi. Tidak ada lagi surprise ulang tahun yang datang seperti di awal kuliah saat masih menyandang status mahasiswa baru. Tidak terlalu banyak BBM yang masuk (mungkin karena semua udah hijrah ke LINE dan saya tidak aktif di LINE). Belum ada kado yang saya terima ( positive thinking aja mungkin kadonya nyusul taun depan) WAKAKAK. Mungkin karena saya tidak banyak punya teman yang benar-benar teman, ya seperti peer-group  begitu. Saya sendiri menyadari kalau saya tidak terlalu piawai menjaga pertemanan. Saya masih terus belajar dan jujur saya mengagumi mereka yang punya seseorang yang mereka panggil sahabat sejak mereka sekolah dasar atau orok (sejak orok udah whatsappan). Sahabat sejati saya hingga saat ini ya kakak saya dan saudara saya. Annisa dan Yona. Ini juga bisa terjadi karena k...

Mentoring with Garuda Indonesia's CEO (Mr. Emirsyah Satar)

"In 2001, a man decided to join a company which was almost collapsed, not to mention the company's bad reputation. He did turnaround to the company and made it healthy again. He left the company after 5 years of dedication. Apparently the company showed no good progress as he left. He came back again in 2005 and he made the company achieve many awards and recognitions from the world." Do you want to have a guess? Yup. He is Mr. Emirsyah Satar and the company is Garuda Indonesia . --- Last Wednesday it was such a pricessless moment that I had the opportunity to meet and discuss in person with Mr. Emirsyah Satar along with other 20 chosen young bright people in his office, Garuda City Centre. At that time we gathered in an event called "Super Mentor", a leadership program organized by Mr. Dino Patti Djalal, former Ambassador of Indonesia for United States of America. Mr. Emirsyah Satar started the discussion with his presentation I believe...

The Inspiration Behind Valentine for Cancer

Hello world! Sorry for not posting here since ages. I'm going to tell you all about my project, Valentine for Cancer. The idea to support kids with cancer came from a book titled "The Fault in Our Stars". It is a weirdly-cute love story between Hazel and Augustus. Both of them are surviving cancer. When I read the book, I felt like I'm inside of the story and I could feel their pain as teenage who suffered cancer in such a young age. Hence, they could still feel the love to each other and cherish every time they can be together. I realized that kids with cancer can actually be cured from the articles in the internet. I also found out that they need friends to accompany them play, share stories and laugh together. So I gathered my friends in Leo Young Club Jakarta Kota to make an event called "Valentine for Cancer", where we gave the kids entertainment, share love and compassion.. Nothing's more relieving than to see them smile :) Beside coll...