The Inspiration Behind Valentine for Cancer

Hello world!

Sorry for not posting here since ages. I'm going to tell you all about my project, Valentine for Cancer. The idea to support kids with cancer came from a book titled "The Fault in Our Stars". It is a weirdly-cute love story between Hazel and Augustus. Both of them are surviving cancer. When I read the book, I felt like I'm inside of the story and I could feel their pain as teenage who suffered cancer in such a young age. Hence, they could still feel the love to each other and cherish every time they can be together.

I realized that kids with cancer can actually be cured from the articles in the internet. I also found out that they need friends to accompany them play, share stories and laugh together. So I gathered my friends in Leo Young Club Jakarta Kota to make an event called "Valentine for Cancer", where we gave the kids entertainment, share love and compassion.. Nothing's more relieving than to see them smile :)

Beside collecting money, we also collecting photos of support from many people accross the world. We made two songs (Bergandeng Tangan and Berbagi Terang) in order to accomplish that. We collect that photos and compile it to a video of support for the kids with cancer in Yayasan Onkologi Anak Indonesia.

Thank you John Green for writing such a beautiful story and for being an inspiration!

Berbagi Terang - Avi Athalia

Bergandeng Tangan - Pingka Dedja Alifa

And here is the result of the compiled photo of support!

As the project leader I would like to thank all the people who helped me to make this project. Firstly to my parents and sister who've always been very supportive. The team from Leo Young Club Jakarta Kota: Mbak Wulan Prameswari who happened to be my Vice and bigger sister, thank you Mbak! Thanks to Mbak Muthia Zahra Feriani who made the song "Berbagi Terang" and the team who recorded the song: Avi Athalia, Willy, Bang Yonathan Luther, Bang Azhe, Hillary, Khalisah, Bimo Adi. Muhammad Kasyfunnur and his friend who made "Bergandeng Tangan" song and the recording team Banyu, Aqdi Hamawi, Angga Poleng Kurniawan, Annisa Dwi Yuniarti, thank you! Also to Pingka Dedja Alifa, my best friend and the best media team I could've asked for, with Berdie and Mega as the staffs. Luthfi Prasetya, production and design coordinator. Steffira Kusumadevie and Risca Andalina, the treasurer and secretary of the committee, thank you so much! Avil Ardendo and Herinda Kusuma, the best Vice and Logistic and President! I couldn't thank you guys enough for the never ending help. Anandra Achmad Rinaldo Soroinda Nasution a.k.a. Edo and Raden Roro Pungky Kusumastutie a.k.a. Pungky as the volunteers, I love you guys!

Well I wish I didn't miss anybody. Thank you again guys, it's been a pleasure to work with you all!
The only wish is that the kids were happy after the event and they know that they're not alone! :)



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