"Use time wisely, we only live once." Udah bisa tebak dari judulnya kan? Yup gue akan cerita tentang that famous New Year Eve! This year's New Year Eve is great! I could gave it 8 out of 10! Where's the other 2? I gave that to my wedges. Gosh they made me really exhausted. Haha so let's start! Waktu berjalan cepet banget ya. Nggak kerasa udah penghujung tahun. Kalau ditilik lagi, 2011 wasn't a bad year for me. Many new experiences and lessons learned. Laughter, tears, happy, sad, combined. I met many people and I try let go people. Unfortunately, again I'm following the flow. I didn't make plan wisely. Some decisions ended up not satisfying. But still, many unpredictable achievement reached. Joined BEM, ALSA, Leo Young Club, didn't take short semester, Putri FH, jatoh di panggung pas lagi manggung, Juara 2 Panggung Talenta Mahasiswa, MC-ing in some campus events, following seminars, volunteering , etc. Terlalu banyak kalo mau di ...