
Showing posts from June, 2011

Classical Piano Concert!

Heeey dear readers! I don't know why it's such a rare, I post something right after the situation I passed by. Oh maybe I just got the blogging spirit back?! Yeaay. This evening at 19.30 I watched my friend, Bagus Joko Puruitomo perform on classical piano concert. How could I know he's having a concert? It started when once I was updating twitter status: "At Erasmus Huis" then he bbm me asked, "What are you doin at Erasmus Huis?" then I answered "I have a Dutch course here" then he replied "Really? I often have concert there" spontaneusly I replied "Ah I want to watch your concert! Tell me if you have concert then I will gladly buy the ticket to come!" Not long after that, he told me that he will be one of the participant of "Young Artists II" YPM Concert, held in Goethe Institute. The tickets were sold out already, but idk why he got a ticket for me! Yaaay . I thought I will be alone, apparently there is also ...

Purwokerto Trip!

Hello guys how r you doin? Sudah libur kah? Gue dong sudah ~('-'~) #pamernih #ngeselin. Abisnya masak kakak gue anak UGM bahkan baru minggu depan UAS? Temen gue anak UNDIP juga baru UAS 2 minggu atau 3 minggu lagi gitu wakakak sabar yakk. Karena gue nggak ngambil short semester alias semester cebol alias semester pendek, gue bakalan keliling Indonesia neeh... Gak sih gak gitu juga. Sekarang mau cerita tentang ke Purwokerto. Kenapa deh ke Purwokerto? Kenapa hayoo kenapaaa, kepo kan lo semuaa. Jadi gue ke Purwokerto adalah untuk....... Menghadiri pernikahan temen gue!!!!!!!! IYA TEMEN GUE, SEANGKATAN DI TN, KITA PERNAH SEKAMAR WAKTU KELAS DUA. IYA, DIA NIKAH!!!!!! Bayangin dong betapa galau dan mirisnya gue disana, karena bahkan gue sendiri masih jomblo :") ok forget the ngenes thing. But yea really my friend is going to married in Purwokerto, in Dinasty Hotel. One of motivation to be there is also to meet my senior high school friends, beside to attend the wedding pa...

The Last Song

So guys, I've just watched a film titled "The Last Song" then it succesfully drop my tears down, like oh heavily!!! Well it sounds sort of exaggerated, but yea I admit that I always easily drop my tears when I watched touchy film like this. Well to make it fast, I would just tell you the story and lil' bit review about the film and the act and the actor and actrees. So, the film starring Miley Cirus and Liam Hemsworth. I think Miley has a beautiful face but can change in to a creepy one on the other time. Her voice also annoys me sometimes. But yea her act is really good indeed. I was also drop my tears down when she drop her tears on the movie. It's like she's exploring and appreciating her role so much. She's being Veronica 'Ronnie' Miller in this movie. She's a rebel girl, victim of the her parent's so called "irreconcilable problems". Yap their parents got divorced and she lived with her brother and mother. As the sumer begin,...

Negaraku.... Indonesia

Berjalan sepi dalam keheningan yang kejam. Apa yang salah dengan sesuatu yang kelam? Mereka kata kelam hanya di malam? Sayangnya kelam negaraku ada di siang dan di malam. Tak elaknya buatku tenggelam. Dalam kedalaman pergulatan yang tak kunjung redam. Tak ada yang bisa ucapkan ini hening. Semuanya bukan tidak bergeming, hanya terlalu lelah untuk menyampaikan rasa ingin. Mereka yang tinggal di gedung raksasa yang angkuh itu tak usainya buat kami gerah. Berselimutkan kekayaan dan berbalut berlian tidaklah.Tidaklah cukup bagi pemimpin kita yang sejatinya menjadi punggawa. Gemerlap harta dan rapuhnya integritas membuat mereka berjalan tak pada khittahnya. Untuk melihat televisi dan membaca koran saja sudah kehilangan minat. Pembantu bapak banyak yang berkhianat. Kebingungan ku menentukan siapa yang jahat. Siapakah insan mulia tempat kita si lemah yang patut dijadikan sahabat? Kicauan pembantu bapak yang lain, yang menganggap dirinya punya hubungan yang sangat dekat dengan bapak, justru men...