
Showing posts from July, 2010

Suits Me So Much

One of the reason you play songs again and again is because of the lyric right? Eventhough sometimes because a person behind the song or because the moment spent with the song. But, this song suits me so much. Have you heard it before? You gotta hear it. She has a really great voice. Tattoo - Jordin Sparks Oh, oh, oh No matter what you say about love I keep coming back for more Keep my hand in the fire Sooner or later, I'll get what I'm asking for No matter what you say about life I learn every time I bleed That truth is a stranger Soul is in danger, I gotta let my spirit be free To admit that I'm wrong And then change my mind Sorry but I have to move on And leave you behind I can't waste time so give it a moment I realize, nothing's broken No need to worry 'bout everything I've done Live every second like it was my last one Don't look back at a new direction I loved you once , needed protection You're still a part of everything I do You're on my...

Wanita dan Pria Dalam Perpisahan

My life seems so unstable lately. Sorry for posting so many sad things. Life still goes by and I know I'm strong enough to pass this kinda moments. Kenapa aku harus tercipta menjadi seorang wanita? Wanita yang berpikir lebih banyak dengan hati . Logika lebih sering tidak terlibat di dalamnya. Itulah mengapa wanita setengah mati memikirikan cara menyampaikan kritik pada teman sendiri. Itulah mengapa wanita lebih memilih diam daripada mencari keributan. Itulah mengapa wanita begitu sulit menerima apa itu perpisahan. Itulah mengapa wanita mudah mengeluarkan air matanya. Melalui masa-masa pasca-perpisahan terasa berat bagi wanita. Tidak bagi pria. Mereka berpikir realistis dan bisa "lebih mudah" . Bukan mudah, tapi "lebih mudah". Jalan berpikir mereka yang praktis membuat mereka bisa menemukan kegiatan lain yang pastinya lebih membuat mereka kembali pada zona nyaman. Tapi jangan pernah berpikir mereka melupakan kita, mereka hanya terlihat kuat. Ingat, merekapun pern...

Balada Kehidupan

Rasanya aku orang paling tidak berguna di dunia ini... Ingin rasanya kumaki Tuhanku satu itu. Tuhanku yang diam saja dikala hamba-Nya bersusah. Kemana Dia ketika kubutuhkan?? Kata orang-orang pintar agama, Dia tidak akan berikan cobaan lebih berat dari yang hamba-Nya mampu. Tapi aku? Aku sekarat Tuhan!! Tak mampu aku bernapas. Terengah-engah, tak ada nafsu hidup. Ingin makan saja tidak. Rasanya ampas kehidupanku juga sudah mencapai klimaksnya. Pergi saja dari dunia ini. Kemana tapi? Hidupku sudah terlalu hina untuk diterima di neraka sekalipun. Apakah separah itu? Apakah sekotor itu? Aku hilang arah ya Tuhan... Dimanakah Engkau ya Tuhan... Berikanlah cahayaMu... Sesungguhnya aku memang masih belajar Belajar mencintai. Mencintai salah seorang makhluk ciptaanMu Mengapa begitu mudah Kau menariknya dari kehidupanku Rasanya baru kemarin, Baru kemarin kau hadirkan dirinya, dalam bentuk yang sungguh sempurna Aroma tubuhnya masih sering mengusik ingatanku Merangkak, lalu berjalan Berjalan tert...

Brokenheart Valley

Eventhough we're not together anymore, Eventhough now I'm not the one you're looking for when you have a problem, I still want to accept you as my friend You're part of my best memories You ever colored my days You fulfilled so many flowers around my life Yet, it doesn't last forever It's just a temporary beautiful dream 'Till we finally arrived at the gate When we have to make a decision When the ego can't be denied When we're not in the same time, same place When the hurted feeling can't be explained When we felt that we can't walk together anymore When each of us didn't want to make it even more complicated And finally, You were my man And I was your girl Thankyou for everything You thaught me so much about the meaning of love And feel so sorry to make you disappointed We're just so different We walk separately I love you my ex. I hope this is the best way for us :') For my dear, 15 months to earn, to learn and to remembered.