Day 10: Tao Ming Se
July 19th 2013
It's so hard to find someone who's similar with Tao Ming Se in Taipei. Ah, you guys know who Tao Ming Se is right? He's Taiwanese famous actor who played the TV drama called "F4". If you guys hippie enough, then you would've known this guy! So, I decided to assume Cecilia's boyfriend as Tao Ming Se. His name is Ian. Hahaha. He's physically similar, I guess, maybe, uh huh.
Actually today, on the 10th day of my trip, July 20th, me and Cecilia and Kati went to the C.K.S Memorial Hall and Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. And then we met Troy at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. He went to SYS Memorial Hall directly from his meeting. How sweet right! So, as an award for him, I would say that he has the same characteristic as Tao Ming Se. As in: annoying, cool, silly, funny, kind, patient, sleepy, hahaha. Such a best buddy! I guess he's also everyone's buddy. This picture below shows how I miss this little brother so much! Wish u all the very best, Mr. President of ALSA Soochow + ALSA Taiwan's NB! Such an important person, eh? HAHA :P
After that we went to Taipei 101. At Taipei 101 I shopped a lot at Zara and took quiet much time there, then we didn't have enough time to go to the Observatory Room of Taipei 101. So sorry guys :( at Taipei 101 Ceci had to do some stuffs with her friends so she got to go home earlier and didn't join our dinner. We had a dinner with other 5 Thailand delegates (Froid, Uw, Moowarn, Palmy, Nam) and Clup from Singapore and Lewis, Jane, Dave, Willyam from Taiwan at a place called ... ahhh why I always forgot the name in Chinese x_X I'll try to figure out later guys. For those who want to go to Taipei, I recommend u to go there! But not for vegan! The price is around 500 - 550 NTD, but so worth it! The ice cream also tastes veeeery nice :9 try the honey taste one! Kati and I was so full of meat that we could change ourselves into cows!! MOOOOOOO!!!
It's so hard to find someone who's similar with Tao Ming Se in Taipei. Ah, you guys know who Tao Ming Se is right? He's Taiwanese famous actor who played the TV drama called "F4". If you guys hippie enough, then you would've known this guy! So, I decided to assume Cecilia's boyfriend as Tao Ming Se. His name is Ian. Hahaha. He's physically similar, I guess, maybe, uh huh.
In front of Eslite bookstore |