ALSA Ecomp 2012: News Casting Competition!

So, last weekend (Saturday and Sunday) dedicated to ALSA English Competition 2012. What's that? It's a national english competition held by Asian Law Students' Association Local Chapter Universitas Indonesia, from 26th April 2012 - 1st May 2012. There are may branches in this competition, for high school and varsity students; such as spelling bee, battle of brain, paper presentation, news casting, speech, debate and model united nation for the high school students.

It is followed by almost 100 schools from all over Indonesia. In this event, I got a chance to be the person in charge of news casting competition. Too bad I forgot to captured the competition itself from the participants, because my camera being used as the props of the competition :P

Those two days were so hectic. I had only one vice PIC and 5 staffs at that time! They're Sheila as my vice and then the staffs Fira, Nena, Ghea, Tiwi and Kiki from batch 2011. Though it's just the six of us, I'm so proud that we can have a good coordination at that time. Pretty hectic back then, but really it was fun and relieving when we finally finished being the organizer of the competition.

The judges on this news casting competition are from public speaking school and from Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UI. One of the judges is my coach when I have an encounter in Talk Inc public speaking school. Hear guys! The power of networking. When you got a new acquaintance, make sure you stay contact with him/her by asking their BBM pin or any contact! So you would be stay contact and who knows you need their help someday ;-)

On the preliminary round, the news casting competition consists of two part: news reading and weather report. And on the final round, there are news casting competition and talk show with guest star. I was so honored that Mba Dwi Lestari Pramesti or known as Mesty Ariotedjo came to the event as the guest star. She was really beautiful and gorgeous indeed. If you don't know her, just write "Mesty Ariotedjo" on YouTube. Yes, she's brand ambassador of Sunsilk & Nivea! I was really happy to finally met her in person. She got the 3Bs, brain beauty behavior. 

When I tell her that I wish I can be as inspiring as her, she said: "You're inspiring on your own way!" :'D

She was interviewed by 5 participants of high school students and 5 participants of varsity students. I can conclude there were three common questions given from the participants:
1. You are a fifth year medical student in Universitas Indonesia and you're also a model, play harp in orchestra, also spokesman of a heart foundation. How can you maintain your time?
2. Why do you like music?
3. Which one do you like most? Music or medical?
4. Do you have any tips to young generation in Indonesia to be as inspiring as you?

And her answers are:
As the time goes by, I can maintain my time. I'm just learning by doing. Firstly, I have to know my priority. As my priority is my education in medical, I implement it on my activity.

Answering this question is like answering 'why do you love your mom, why do you love your dad' because I just love music. It's because music is my passion. It just came right away. But I still remember I fell in love with piano when I was in elementary school. But then in university, I started to think of another music instrument. And then I found harp is the right answer.

Actually I like music the most. But still medical is my priority. So I decided to be a doctor that play music.

Find you passion, do it constantly and contribute something to people around you. As a quote from Mother Teresa "if you can't feed a hundred peoplethen just feed one"

The preliminary round. Saturday, 28th April 2012.
The participants + audience of varsity preliminary round.
Briefing with the big five that continued to the final round.
My News Casting Team :*
Left to right: Tiwi, Kiki, Sheila, Me, Fira, Ghea, Nena.

The final round. Sunday, 29th April 2012.
The Judges! + Mba Mesty
With Mba Mesty Ariotedjo
ALSA English Competition 2012, News Casting. The team + the judges + the guest star ;)

There were actually many obstacles we faced when I'm organizing this competition. First, suddenly one of my judge couldn't attend the competition, a night before the competition. She was sick and she really can't join with us. It was 22.00! I was trying not to panic even I was actually panic :) thanks God I got the substitution for her at that night! Secondly, it was technical matter. Related to computer, sound system, etc. Thank God my partner was so cooperative at that time. Third, we were so lack of human resources. Thanks to my staffs, really expert on their aspect. For example: Fira on registration (helped by Kiki), Kiki on calculating the score, Nena on technical with Sheila and Ghea on MC-ing (?) haha. Well actually in every committee, we need to learn something, and always improve, gets better and better.
So I guess the important things of being on a committee are: BRIEFING, COMMUNICATION, COORDINATION and EVALUATION.
Happy organizing guys!



by posting this, You're just inspire me darl :))
Nadia Atmaji said…
hi there, glad that this posting inspire you :-)

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