
Showing posts from April, 2011

College life

Hey readers! I'm on the computer lab at my campus. So sorry I haven't got time to continue the short story. Well to be honest, I haven't got the idea yet. So I decide to make you all suspicious then :-P he he. College life teaches me many things. Though I've just lived in for 6 months. It's completely, literally, wholeheartedly (?) different from the high school life. Moreover I spent my high school life at the boarding school, where I spent most of the time with my friends. I assume them as my family, where I lean on, where I'm comfort with, where I whine all day long. But, in college life, you'll find yourself ALONE. It's not ALONE in the real meaning: condition of solitude, lack of contact with people, etc. But, you have to consider yourself as a person, doesn't depend on someone. You're also prosecuted to be mature, not to be childish anymore. People who love to whine, will be neglected. So sometimes people looked more individualistic and sel...

Becaus of Bieber (Part I)

“Tiiin tin tin tin” Sissy membunyikan klakson di depan rumah Irish, tanda untuk Irish kalau Sissy sudah sampai di depan rumahnya, untuk segera berangkat ke sekolah.“Sissyyyyy!!! Kebiasaan deh, kenceng banget sih radionya. Bisa-bisa soundsystem jazz lo meledak, tiap hari dengerin album-nya si Beleber berkali-kali dengan volume yang super nggak nyantai!!!!” ucap Irish dengan nada tinggi-sedikit-berteriak karena berusaha membuat Shiva Leswara, yang biasa dipanggil Sissy mendengar ucapannya. “Please deh Riiish, BE-LIE-BERS bukan Beleber!! Huh. Lo harus denger lagu doi yang baru yang Ride! Ada efek-efek mainan kayak mainan tetris itu loh Rish! Cool banget deh pokoknya. Suaranya sekarang kan udah dewasa, agak-agak berat-berat gimanaa gitu. Kan doi mau nyamperin guee 23 April! Gue harus afaaal every single lyric from his songs! Seven days left, he must’ve missed me so bad bad baaad, then I won’t disappoint him dengan nggak afal lirik lagu-lagunya.. Nah karena gua lagi nyetir, lagunya biar pa...