Lovely New Hello in My Birthday

Wuaazzaaap my la-la-land? Wupss it's not la-la-land anymore bytheway. It's now Sweet Revenge. I don't know it sounds so cruel and, errmm weird? But yeah yeah the name came up on a sudden in the middle of the night when a so-called Galau virus attacked. I'm a teenage okay it's kinda lumrah rite rite (membela diri).

So, I've been busy with study and college thingy. I should've study for public law subject but it's so boring ya knoooow. Maybe that's because I'm not too passionate with that subject. So stop blabbing around and let's just tell what's on my mind!! Yeaa, as written on the title: Lovely New Hello in my birthday................. It was actually on 6th March but really really sorry I admit that I'm such a bad blogger but but but, the days were getting hectic and hectic. So I'm really grateful to have time rite now #berasaartis #soksibuk #belagu.

At the very first of "my day" I wasn't awake. I was sleep, woken up at 2.00 am and disappointed. Found out Mom and Dad fell on a very sound sleep. I thought they didn't remember. So I decided not to check my phone and sleep again. On 5.00 am dad and mom woke me up, told me to pray and get ready for.......... cycling on Car Free Day(?) What? Okay. I thought they would do something. Err unfortunately not. Finally we went to the Car Free Day to Sudirman, Thamrin, Cikini, we spent like 4 hours until 11.00. I didn't bring my cellphone at that time.

Finally we reached home, Dad and Mom told me to go to basement and take a big box on the baggage. I took that and that was a box that wrapped by pinky with love illustration gift paper. Hmm hmm I'm wondering what's inside the box. When I opened it, it is SLR Camera!! Canon 60D. Woooot it feels like dream!! I'm so gonna die die die hard....... Okay sounds lebay, but come on! My first wishlist >,< On the next day, I didn't expect anything from my college friends. Also, I didn't aware with their evil script to do something to me. Half of the day went smooth. I mean, it went normally. I went to Public Law class, sit next to Astrie and Hilda. And then I went to canteen to eat, and went to the Ilmu Budaya Dasar class that (as usual) went really boring. After that I went to selasar audit ALONE, because suddenly I can't contact my friends and they suddenly dissappear -_-
Not long after that, at the following minute, my Kadept on BEM, bang Ama, bbm me, told me to go to the lobby. I went there and he wanted to talk with me about BEM magazine. When I followed him,
suddenly Astri and Hilda came to me, with Hilda's typical panic expression, and said "NAD, NAD! GUE MAU NGOMONG SESUATU PENTING BANGET SUMPAH PENTING BANGET!"
Astri then ngomong juga "IYA NAD, KALO LO TEMEN KITA LO HARUS IKUT KITA!!"

WHUATZZ?? Ade ape nih?!?!?! Why they sounds so lebay?!?!? Tapi oh tapi, stupidly I trusted them and they tight up my face with a black fabric, so that I can't see anything oh no oh no, aku masih ingin melihat indahnya dunia ini!!!! :O they guided me to a place, and brought me here and there rudely. Sumpah gesrek banget tu otak mereka berdua.

Hilda (sambil narik gue ke arah kanan): Stri, kesini stri yang bener dong!
Astrie (narik gue ke arah kiri): Kesini kali da lo yang salah woy!!
Hilda (tiba-tiba dorong gue ke arah Astri): Oh iya bener banget stri ke arah situ yang bener

Lama-lama gue merasa ada sesuatu yang aneh, gue disuruh lepas jam, lepas kacamata, lepas sepatu WHAT?!?! Untung gak lepas baju dan celana (^^,) gue langsung teriak-teriak sambil merungkel-merungkel (what kind of word is that nad -_-) oke gue meronta-ronta......... Tapi terus gue diserahkan pada the strong Nindya ... And I can't do nothing... Err.

and then abis itu...... YOU KNO WUATZ, wa diiket di po-on.........

abis diiket, kenapa mereka sempet-sempetnya foto2 dulu...... T_T that's me on the back! Pasrah wae ya (dengan mata masih tertutup)
abis itu, mereka menjauh (berdasarkan pendengaran gue), terus... someone opened the black fabric and suddenly......................... TADAAA!! foto ini sudah cukup menjelaskan semuanya ya sodara-sodara. Adonan yang baunya nauzubillah itu dituangkan oleh nona Arianne Astrinia, terbrutal dari segalanya \m/ dan dia juga yang membuat adonan itu dan sukses membuat gue keramas berapa kali sodara-sodara? yak, benar sekali KERAMAS EMPAT KALI!!!And then the birthday cake come...... \:D/


Mereka baik sekali bawain cake, kado dan anduuuk. Apalagi yang paling kiri, Ninda mau sun pipi kanan kiri loh sama akuuuuuw :-*
Oh girls, I wish it wasn't college day and I could HUG you all ONE BY ONE.......... But karena aku baik aku gak peluk kalian (left-right: Anissa, Hilda, Nindya, Imay, Gadis, Putri, Cyntia, Diandra, Fiera, yang nungging: Astrie) , peluk dari hati yah. Apalagi itu bajunya baru dipake pertama kalinya, celananya juga harus dipake besoknya.... Cinta banget lah pokoknya ya... :")

I feel surprised too when I know (left to right) Mba Wuri, Mba Aya, Mba Elsa, Bang Riko, Mba Fifi, Bang Fadhil, Bang Cimot, Bang Ama, Bang Atok seniors from BEM also come at that time. They're my new family *hug*
With the brain of the birthday suprise, Hilda Leswara ♥
These pictures taken by Imay si bule Ciputat kikikiki thankyou baby!! Wuaa THANKYOU GUYS!!! I feel really blessed to have you all guys... It made me realize that I'm not alone and I have a very precious life, colored by all of you :') eventhough we just know each other, I feel so lucky to be surrounded by you guys, thanks Allah. I wish You will always bless us, eventhough someday we will not be in one class again, don't separate our friendship. I love you guys!!!!! words wouldn't enough describe how much I love you all ♥

Ps: What the quote says about "Every goodbye makes us closer to the next hello" is true. I found that true, I met my new hello, my lovely friends. Be grateful! :-)



Anonymous said…
lucu ya dikerjain ultahnya, ditutup matanya trus digiring, diiket di pohon,..hmm,. hanya bisa pasrah
Nadia Atmaji said…
ini temen2 lo iseng banget sih, tapi gapapa that means they love you much :D

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