Hello again.

Semua kegiatan di asrama rasanya nggak ada yang membosankan. As a girl that spend most of her life at school (not on her real house), gue ngerasa banyak banget hal tak terbeli di SMA TN. Salah satu approaching activity deket2 ini adalah PANDATARA (pameran seni daerah sma taruna nusantara). I'm one of the committee. Actually my mom forbid me to join any committee for the my last year in TN. But then I join the layout section, not too busy lyk others.
Gue termasuk dalam daerah Jakarta, I really disappointed with the junior sisters.
They didn't make any communication with the third graders. Gue blank banget harus pake baju apa, bisa bantu apa, bahkan akhirnya gue cari informasi sendiri dari pembina gue, bu Rina..
Setelah adeknya gue panggil kemaren, finally mereka sharing and finally kita ngerti harus ngapain.
Yang gue sesalin, kenapa mereka harus nunggu dipanggil sih?
Will they come to us and ask? I guess not.
Well, akhirnya juga ujung2nya gue sama Vierna yang ngedesain kaos jakarta buat hari kedua pandatara..

oke guys, I've to go to my desk!


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