Lebaran 2009

My holiday is tremendously fun and also romantic (cieee) haha.
Someone gave me a drive to a restaurant. We ate there until the restaurant almost closed. But then the someone said "hey the purchaser is the king, honey"

Well my dad didn't allowed me to get home late night. So we didn't go annywhere, but he drove me to another direction (he said 'i won't end this night too fast') ♥

The cousins were complete. I'm one of the oldest grandchildren. My oldest brother is (Osa), he is a colleger in Jogja, and the second is my sister Annisa Puspasari (Nisa) , new colleger in UGM, and then Me, and then Asky Fitra Yona (Yona), second grader of Dian Didaktika Senior High School Jakarta.

Today we planned to go to Ambarukmo Plasa to have a walk and gudday. Actually we kinda interest to watch Phobia 2 yippeeeeeee :)

Oh yeah almost forget, every lebaran, my family always made a uniform for the lebaran day. I mean, we (actually my mom) designed four pieces of clothes for us from a same fabric.
One of the fabric is batik. Yeay we really proud of it! Don't forget guys, 2nd October will be a historic day (BATIK DAY)
Well what about your holiday?

Let me share some happines here:
on lebaran day. me-momma-sister
Theme: Whiteyyy

2nd and 3rd pict.
after Lebaran, went to the district of Purworejo (my hometown).
This design was made by my mom :) *she's sucha great designer rite?*
I think she has a talent, I force her to make an online boutique.

4th pict.
The design also made by my momma. Wore on family event.
I like it the most &heats;

This is a family event.
This year was held by Bani Sholekhah (one of 8 Bani--generation-- in my fam)
You know what, the backdrop behind us was made by ISMAIL SUKRIBO.

I was on duty hehehe, I was an MC and also singer ;)

This is Yona and Me when Bude Nunul sang a dangdut song. The stage was full of my family.
Yeah she's the designer! Look at our fabric. Looked similar right?
I really love her. She really knows me inside and outside.
Love you forever mom!

This is me, Yona, Dityo and Nisa

They're the persons behind the scene. They called us the event organizer because I was an MC, my mom was helping me and daddy and sist are the photographer.
As you see the second from right (beside Nisa), he's the illustrator of SUKRIBO comic in KOMPAS newspaper. He's uncle Faisal a.k.a. Ismail Sukribo You must know it right?

and never forget to take a pict with...... KIDOOOO!! His name is faza cute isn't it? >_<
So how's your holiday, readeeeeerss?? share with me!


bajunya bagus-bagus sekaliii > <
Nadia Atmaji said…
@rezti: ahh makasih yaa... ak jg sneng bgt wkt ibuku menyodorkan scr tb2 (hha lebay)

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