Karaoke - A&W - Steak

Okeeeey guys, I had promised ya'll about the karaoke, A&W and eating steak picts.
First, the karaoke took place at Inul Vizta POINS SQUARE *it was fun yet exciting*
Second, we just drink lemon tea at A&W but I don't know the chat and the laugh took a long time :D
Third, Mayang paid all the steak bills aaahh you're the best dehh hihi.
What a coincidence, we all wear skirt! *except mayang*

We should be 6, but the other two can't come. Indi was sick and Putri have a meeting. Hmm no problemo..
So here we goooooeeesss:

so sorry for the pose *hehe peace inul*
I wore Wonder Woman printed - Everlast distro, Suspender - Band's Property, Pinky Highwaist - Sister's, Sandals - Ananas

Left to right: Mayang, Me!, Dini, Afi

inside the room :)

hey mayang!

and then we move to...


and then we fly to:obonk steak
we're so ready to beat'em!

I miss you junior high school friends..
Ahh I hope we can be complete :(

the photos are from Afi's camera.



Nadia Atmaji said…
anjir mayang pake rok juga? hahahaha bs pas geeetoo. eh itu baju gausah ditulis deskripsinya napa. kayak fashion blog aje. haha
ONiC said…
belom pernah ke inul vista deh, meskipoun cabangnya udah ada di mana2. slalu aja ujung2nya ke nav hihi
Nadia Atmaji said…
@ka nisa: nggak dul, dia pake short warna ungu.. lah emg brand desc. cmn boleh fashion blog doang ya?
@kak onic: ayyy, kak, coba ke inul vizta deh asikk dehh. nav itu dmn kaaak?
ONiC said…
nav ada dimana2 kok, kayaknya hehe. di jakarta utara ada di sunter, kelapa gading, lupa ada dimana lagi hehe.

heart glasses nya beli di plaza semanggi. tapi i will manage them to sell them in my store, oniclicious.com. kalau minat, kasih tau yah :D

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