Fave posting

Waktu gue baca-baca postingan lama gue, gue menemukan postingan ini:

New year dan A day after new year

ahhhh those posts are my external factor:


Nadia Atmaji said…
i already have plans for you and yona. 1) karaoke 2) hangout together 3)jalan2 di jalan thamrin hari minggu pagi. and btw semua sodara nanti liburan ke jakarta loh. can u imagine that? it will be soooooooo friggin awesome!!!!! cnt wait. cant wait. cant wait. btw goodluck for your test.

your cute sistah :D
Nadia Atmaji said…
heeeeeey where's the fourth plan: Shopping and the fifth: mall to mall route. hahaha.
semua sodara mau ke jakarta? weeew, tapi kan gk ada ibu, ntar yg koordinir gini gono nya syp? haha, ciee paling tua nih luu skrg, anak kul kul siyh ;D

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