I love travelling since I was born (haha sounds nonsense) but really! I was very lucky to conquer some parts of USA and Europe in my early age. It's because of my father. He had his master in Pittsburgh and my mother followed him there. Unluckily, I remember nothing. I could just stare on the beautiful printed photos inside every page of some big albums in the house. When I reached the third year of my university, I found an activity that might bring me back to USA. Yes, it was a Model United Nations. It is a simulation of United Nations Assembly. As the name suggests, Model United Nations, or more commonly known as MUN, is an academic simulation of the United Nations. Basically, delegates inside an MUN will act as a representative of a nation state and convey its stances upon certain global issues. Through MUN, delegates will have the opportunity to learn more about diplomacy, public-speaking, critical thinking and also legal drafting. The MUN that I was talking about was Harva...
Tepat satu minggu sudah, saya tidak bergerilya. Haha bukan bukan, bukan lagi perang kok. Ituloh, istilah buatan Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) untuk kegiatan kampanye-nya setiap tatap muka dengan masyarakat. Duh. Iya, sejak bulan Oktober 2016 tiap hari saya liputan gerilya AHY. Gimana sih rasanya tiap hari liputan hal yang sama selama 4 bulan? Awalnya kirain bakal bosen. Ternyata setelah akhirnya nggak gerilya… Ku menyadari… Rindu itu nyesek yah. Lebay? Sesuai janji, ini nih, ceritanya… --- Bulan Oktober lalu saya mendapat kepercayaan untuk menempel pasangan calon DKI nomor urut 1, Agus Yudhoyono (Mas Agus) dan Sylviana Murni (Mpok Sylvi). Sepertinya kantor tahu saya junior-nya Mas Agus di SMA Taruna Nusantara (yaa meski terpautnya jauh banget sik 13 tahun!) Sehingga diharapkan saya bisa cepat dekat dengan Mas Agus secara personal. Saya sempat khawatir tidak bisa objektif dalam membuat berita. Tetapi kemudian saya yakinkan (cielah yakinkan, bahasa AHY banget) bahwa saya ...
"In 2001, a man decided to join a company which was almost collapsed, not to mention the company's bad reputation. He did turnaround to the company and made it healthy again. He left the company after 5 years of dedication. Apparently the company showed no good progress as he left. He came back again in 2005 and he made the company achieve many awards and recognitions from the world." Do you want to have a guess? Yup. He is Mr. Emirsyah Satar and the company is Garuda Indonesia . --- Last Wednesday it was such a pricessless moment that I had the opportunity to meet and discuss in person with Mr. Emirsyah Satar along with other 20 chosen young bright people in his office, Garuda City Centre. At that time we gathered in an event called "Super Mentor", a leadership program organized by Mr. Dino Patti Djalal, former Ambassador of Indonesia for United States of America. Mr. Emirsyah Satar started the discussion with his presentation I believe...