
It is monic's laptop. Now she's 'pesiar' to Jogja. So I borrow her lepii. I felt shock when I saw this pict:

First impression:
Nothing, biasa aja tuh. Itu anind monic sama gue kan. So?
Second impression:
The reason why I feel so shock:
MY HAIRR!!!!!!!!!!
It is sooo long! Wawawawa, padahal di foto itu gue masih kelas satuu! Sedangkan, peraturan di sekolah gue itu, rambut ga boleh nyentuh kerah baju, harus diatas kerah. Daaan di foto gue, rambut gue nyentuh kerah, malah melebihi beberapa centi. Wew!
Sleepy nih. Bye.


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