new yeaaah pt2
wokey lets continue the story nahh, akhirnya kita semua kumpul di lantai 14, well untung bukan lantai 13 (karena emang gak ada, dodol) lanjooot, kita berleyeh-leyeh dulu di kamar 1423 tercinta, and theeen kita ganti baju, and kita ke senci, kita nyoba sour sally... ahayy enak banget. gue pake original with strawberry and oreo topping. kalo si anind pake fruit topping; strawberry and peach, trus yoghurtnya yang green tea. YOU GUYS HAVE (MUST) TO TASTE IT! abis itu kita balik hotel lagi, ganti baju lagi and do girl stuff, guess what?? yeaaay take some picts!! these are the pict, fellas :)
nadia: mas, saya tadi minta dikirimin koper, tolong ya mas segera.
innocent-phone receiver (aka bellboy): oke ibu, ini sedang teman saya kirim, tadi mungkin liftnya rame.
nadia: tolong ya mas, saya minta 5 menit lagi sudah sampai
bb: siap bu pasti 5 menit lagi teman saya sampai
bb: oke ibu silahkan (*&#%_)@($* *TIT* telepon mati,
hahaha nampaknya dia jengkel?!!?!?! hehe
wokeeeeeeey, the luggage is comiiiin the girls changes clothes, wearin their own dress.. tadaa..
we're so ready to gooo... siap deeyh kita. we went downstairs with lift, and gooo through the receptionist. "mas, ada event apa ya di mulia, di ballroom gitu?" "hmm kita ada boyzIImen sama project pop." "kalo project pop ada additional charge-nya nggak mas?" "kita untuk project pop 750.000++" "oke jadi net-nya berapa mas?" "sekitar 800.000 kurang" kita: *WADEZIGG and then we spill out on a hot discussion
purple is for me
green is for hanny
orange is monica
blue is edel
anind is brown
"wanjrit, gue kira ada free buat yang udah punya room"
"lah elaah makanya gue bingung kenapa kita kagak ada yang bayar paket?!?! biasanya kan hotel ada paket tahun baruan gituu.."
"bahahaha trus gmane cuuy..telpon udah dehh"
"mendingan kita beli terompet, ntar kalo akhirnya new year di jalan, kita tiup-tiup aje ampe orang-orang keberisikan, ya ngga nad??"
"eh iya, iya bener tuh, beli topinya sekalian, beli enam ya, kita kan berenam, supir taksinya kasih juga"
.... and blabla bla (this blog will be too full if i told ya the real conversation)...
finally, we made some decision:
plan A --> go to EX (hardrock cafe)
plan B --> go to X2
plan C --> go to kemang
plan D --> go to EMBASSY
because we know D plan is so impossible and totally stupid idea, we decide to delete this plan.
plan A --> go to EX (hardrock cafe)
plan B --> go to X2
plan C --> go to kemang
we stop the taxi and let the driver choose the plan. then he choose... --> KEMANG! woke pak, lets goooo to kemaaaaaaaaaaang..
finally, kita nyampe, but.. don't know where to go euuuuuuuuuuuuuuy haha akhirnya, kita ke KEMANG FOOD FEST, dengan membayar 80.000 udah ada welcome drink-nya sama makan 25.000 wokeeeee kita masuk deh, walaupun dengan raut muka yang sedikit tidak bersahabat, terutama untuk... tadaaa --> monica. hahaha, gue ajak die foto deh biar senyum, siapa coba yang mau cemberut di foto.. haha apalagi dia kan partner in crime+in narcist hoho
ini monic jadi senyuuum hehehe
and, you know, suddenly hanny said: "ehh ehh ada kak wina" (sambil nunjuk2 gerbang masuk) trs gue sautin "hahaha nggak lucu lo han! kali ini gue ngga ketipu" (ketawa2) "ehh seriuus nyeeet" eh beneer, ternyata ada kak wina, kak andra, kak japra, kak sinden, kak emon sama abang-abangnya juga; bang arif, bang ucup, bang yaumil, bang siapa lagi ya? duhh itu doang yang ingeeet.. trus ada yang marah gitu nggak bilang kalo gue juga di kemang, well maaf deeh takut ganggu :) and the time goes by so faaast, kita count down time bareng-bareng sambil ngeliatin fireworks yang dimainkan disana...
we hug each other and felt really-really happy, we though that this new year eve will be soo boring and dull but it is total fun and will be sooooooooooooo unforgettable..
XOXO to you guyyyysss hope we could be better this year, and reach our dreams :)
this is hanny, monica, and me
tau ngga sih kenapa anind gak ada di foto? karena kopernya masih di receptionist di bawaah! and.. kita nempel sama kasuuur, uhh nooo.. tapi bukan tanpa alasan.. kita nempel kasur, sambil nunggu kopernya si anind dateng.. padahal dari tadi kita udah minta dianter.. tapi nggak dateng2 juga, gile yee it is soo lambreta-spaghetti-lasagna-lafonte as you knooow. so as the most "gak sabar" person in the room, gue call "Concierge" and here the conversation goes; nadia: mas, saya tadi minta dikirimin koper, tolong ya mas segera.
innocent-phone receiver (aka bellboy): oke ibu, ini sedang teman saya kirim, tadi mungkin liftnya rame.
nadia: tolong ya mas, saya minta 5 menit lagi sudah sampai
bb: siap bu pasti 5 menit lagi teman saya sampai
bb: oke ibu silahkan (*&#%_)@($* *TIT* telepon mati,
hahaha nampaknya dia jengkel?!!?!?! hehe
wokeeeeeeey, the luggage is comiiiin the girls changes clothes, wearin their own dress.. tadaa..
we're so ready to gooo... siap deeyh kita. we went downstairs with lift, and gooo through the receptionist. "mas, ada event apa ya di mulia, di ballroom gitu?" "hmm kita ada boyzIImen sama project pop." "kalo project pop ada additional charge-nya nggak mas?" "kita untuk project pop 750.000++" "oke jadi net-nya berapa mas?" "sekitar 800.000 kurang" kita: *WADEZIGG and then we spill out on a hot discussion
purple is for me
green is for hanny
orange is monica
blue is edel
anind is brown
"wanjrit, gue kira ada free buat yang udah punya room"
"lah elaah makanya gue bingung kenapa kita kagak ada yang bayar paket?!?! biasanya kan hotel ada paket tahun baruan gituu.."
"bahahaha trus gmane cuuy..telpon udah dehh"
"mendingan kita beli terompet, ntar kalo akhirnya new year di jalan, kita tiup-tiup aje ampe orang-orang keberisikan, ya ngga nad??"
"eh iya, iya bener tuh, beli topinya sekalian, beli enam ya, kita kan berenam, supir taksinya kasih juga"
.... and blabla bla (this blog will be too full if i told ya the real conversation)...
finally, we made some decision:
plan A --> go to EX (hardrock cafe)
plan B --> go to X2
plan C --> go to kemang
plan D --> go to EMBASSY
because we know D plan is so impossible and totally stupid idea, we decide to delete this plan.
plan A --> go to EX (hardrock cafe)
plan B --> go to X2
plan C --> go to kemang
we stop the taxi and let the driver choose the plan. then he choose... --> KEMANG! woke pak, lets goooo to kemaaaaaaaaaaang..
finally, kita nyampe, but.. don't know where to go euuuuuuuuuuuuuuy haha akhirnya, kita ke KEMANG FOOD FEST, dengan membayar 80.000 udah ada welcome drink-nya sama makan 25.000 wokeeeee kita masuk deh, walaupun dengan raut muka yang sedikit tidak bersahabat, terutama untuk... tadaaa --> monica. hahaha, gue ajak die foto deh biar senyum, siapa coba yang mau cemberut di foto.. haha apalagi dia kan partner in crime+in narcist hoho
ini monic jadi senyuuum hehehe
we hug each other and felt really-really happy, we though that this new year eve will be soo boring and dull but it is total fun and will be sooooooooooooo unforgettable..
XOXO to you guyyyysss hope we could be better this year, and reach our dreams :)